Women Entrepreneurs Tank (WE Tank)

Celebrating Innovation, Empowering Visionaries

IMPACT is an initiative of the IMC Ladies’ Wing to celebrate and honour every facet of womanhood in the most contemporary and relevant way. In the spirit of its commitment to address women’s issues, empower their social, political and entrepreneurial status and provide a forum to create solutions, IMPACT endeavours to bring together people diverse in experience.

Welcome to the Women Entrepreneurs Tank (WE Tank), a remarkable platform dedicated to nurturing female entrepreneurship, fostering innovation, and empowering visionary women. This groundbreaking initiative provides aspiring women entrepreneurs with a unique opportunity to showcase their groundbreaking business ideas to a panel of seasoned investors. Beyond financial support, participants gain invaluable mentorship, guidance, and access to a vibrant entrepreneurial network.

Program Highlights

Pitch Opportunities

Aspiring female entrepreneurs have the chance to present their business concepts and prototypes before a distinguished panel of investors. This platform encourages innovation, creativity, and the power of women's ideas.


Beyond financial support, the Shark Tank for Women Program offers personalized mentorship from successful businesswomen, industry leaders, and seasoned entrepreneurs. This guidance helps participants refine their business strategies, navigate challenges, and scale their ventures.


Connect with a diverse and influential community of like-minded women entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. Expand your network, forge meaningful relationships, and tap into a wealth of resources.

Empowerment Workshops

Participate in a series of workshops focusing on building confidence, leadership skills, effective communication, negotiation tactics, and other essential entrepreneurial skills. Empower yourself to take charge of your business journey.

Visibility and Exposure

Gain widespread exposure and recognition for your business idea through the program's media coverage, social media promotions, and industry events. Showcase your innovation on a national and global stage.

Eligibility Criteria

  • ● Open to women entrepreneurs aged 18 and above.
  • ● Innovative and scalable business concept with a clear market demand.
  • ● Demonstrated commitment to driving positive change through entrepreneurship.
  • ● Passionate and driven individuals willing to collaborate and learn.

Application Process

Application Submission: Interested candidates must submit an online application detailing their business idea, its market potential, and their vision for growth.

Screening: Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts who will shortlist the most promising concepts.

Pitch Preparation: Shortlisted participants will receive guidance and resources to refine their pitches, ensuring they effectively communicate the value of their business.

Final Pitch Event: Selected entrepreneurs will present their pitches to a live audience and panel of investors during the program's culminating event.

Get Ready to Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Join us in this exciting journey to transform your innovative business ideas into successful ventures. We look forward to celebrating your entrepreneurship and supporting your vision for a brighter future.

For additional details, feel free to reach out to:
Bhavna Pandya
Call or Whatsapp: 9821554344

Don't miss the chance to be part of this empowering event!

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