Theme of the year - Women Integration, Skills and Entrepreneurship

Theme of the year 2015

To support women capitalize on the new opportunities that the country has to offer, the theme and vision she envisage for this year will be WISE – Women Integration, Skills and Entrepreneurship. We believes that our country is striving hard to provide equal rights to women. While many women have made a mark for themselves there are million others waiting for an opportunity. Integrating them into a module of completeness and taking responsibility of their social well being is the need of the hour.

Since IMC is the premier business and professional women’s organization consisting of entrepreneurs, we want professionals and skilled women integrating them to create socio economical awareness is required.

We strongly believe that for the outstanding contribution that women have given to society and the world at large by way of skills, social responsibilities and upliftment of what was earlier called the weaker sex “WISE” has been aptly chosen.